Calculator++, Now Available for download on SourceForge!

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Welp, Back to the drawing boards.

I'm also looking for suggestions on additional functions. so suggest some.
I Noticed that my cout was getting a little big so I replaced it with an fstream so the list of of functions pops up in notepad. However whenever i compile it notepad doesn't pop up. Could someone paste this into their compiler and tell me if this works for them, and point out any bugs if any.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
int main()
     int WhichFunction;
     bool user_quit;
     user_quit = false;
ofstream file;"Functions.txt");
file << "What would you like to do ? " << endl << "HINT: 1 = Add, 2 = Subtract, 3 = Multiply, 4 = Divide, 5 = Sqr. Root," << endl << "6 = Exponents, 7 = Pythagorean Theorum, 8 = Sine, 9 = Cosine, 10 = Tangent," << endl << "11 = Circumference, 12 = Area of Circles, 13 = Natural Logarithms, 14 = Area of Squares,15 = Area of Triangles, 16 = Perimeter of Squares, 17 = Absolute Value," << endl << "18 = Volume of Cubes, Rect. Prisms, 19 = Volume of Cylinders," << endl << "20 = Volume of Tri. Prisms, 21 = Round Down, 22 = Round Up, 23 = Cube Root," << endl << "24 = Density, 25 = Volume of Pyramids, 26 = Celsius to Fahrenheit," << endl << "27 = MPH to MPS, 28 = MPH to FPS, 29 = KPH to MPH, 30 = Common Logarithms," << endl << "31 = Volume of Cones, 99 = Quit" << endl;
cin >> WhichFunction;
case 1:
           double a;
           cout << "Enter the first number: ";
           cin >> a;
           double b;
           cout << "Enter the second number: ";
           cin >> b;
           double c; 
           c = a + b;
           cout << "Calculating: " << c << endl;
case 2:
          double aa;
          cout << "Enter the first number: ";
          cin >> aa;
          double bb;
          cout << "Enter the second number: ";
          cin >> bb;
          double cc;
          cc = aa - bb;
          cout << "Calculating: " << cc << endl;
case 3:
          double a3;
          cout << "Enter the first number: ";
          cin >> a3;
          double b3;
          cout << "Enter the second number: ";
          cin >> b3;
          double c3;
          c3 = a3 * b3;
          cout << "Calculating: " << c3 << endl;
case 4:
          double a4;
          cout << "Enter the first number: ";
          cin >> a4;
          double b4;
          cout << "Enter the second number: ";
          cin >> b4;
          double c4;
          c4 = a4 / b4;
if(b4 > 0){
          cout << "Calculating: " << c4 << endl;  
if(b4 <= 0){
          cout << "You Cannot Divide by Zero " << endl;
          return 0;      
case 5:
           double a5;
           cout << "Enter Your Number: ";
           cin >> a5;
           double b5;
           b5 = sqrt(a5);
           cout << "Calculating: " << b5 << endl;
case 6:
           double a6,b6;
           cout << "Enter your Number: ";
           cin >> a6;
           cout << "Enter the Exponent: ";
           cin >> b6;
           double c6;
           c6 = pow(a6,b6);
           cout << "Calculating: " << c6 << endl;
      case 7:
           double a7;
           double b7;
           double c7;
           double x7;
           cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
           cout << " Pythagorean Theorem" << endl;
           cout << "-----------------------"  << endl;
           cout << "   ." << endl;
           cout << "   .  . " << endl;
           cout << " a .     . c" << endl;
           cout << "   .       . "<< endl;
           cout << "   .         ."<< endl;
           cout << "   ............."<< endl;
           cout << "        b      "<< endl;
           cout << endl;
           cout << "How to: " << endl;
           cout << endl;
           cout << "When asked for your missing variable type press '0' and then enter." << endl;
           cout << endl;
           cout << "Equation: a(sqaured) + b(square) = c(squared)" << endl;
           cout << endl;
           cout << "Please input your 'a' variable: ";
           cin >> a7;
           cout << "Please input your 'b' variable: ";
           cin >> b7;
           cout << "Please input your 'c' variable: ";
           cin >> c7;
 if (c7 == 0)
           x7 = (a7*a7) + (b7*b7);
           cout << "Your missing length is " << sqrt(x7) << endl;
 if (a7 == 0)
           x7 = (c7*c7) - (b7*b7);
           cout << "Your missing length is " << sqrt(x7) << endl;
 if (b7 == 0)
            x7 = (c7*c7) - (a7*a7);
            cout << "Your missing length is " << sqrt(x7) << endl;
case 8:
          double a8;
          cout << "Enter your Number: ";
          cin >> a8;
          cout << "The sine of your number is: " << sin(a8) << endl;
case 9:
          double a9;
          cout << "Enter your Number: ";
          cin >> a9;
          cout << "The Cosine of your Number is: " << cos(a9) << endl; 
          cout << "Would You Like to Run The Function Again?" << endl << "If YES Type 1, If NO Type 0" << endl;
case 10:
          double a10;
          cout << "Enter Your Number: ";
          cin >> a10;
          cout << "The Tangent of your Number is: " << tan(a10) << endl;
case 11:               
          double diameter;
          cout << "Enter Your Diameter: ";
          cin >> diameter;
          double circumference;
          circumference = diameter * 3.14;
          cout << "The circumference of your circle is: " << circumference <<  endl;
case 12:
          double radius;
          cout << "Enter Your Radius: ";
          cin >> radius;
          double area;
          area = 3.14 * pow(radius,2);
          cout << "Your Area Is: " << area << endl;
case 13:
          double a13;
          cout << "Enter your Number: ";
          cin >> a13;
          double b13;
          b13 = log(a13);
          cout << "Calculating: " << b13 << endl;
case 14:
          double base;
          double height;
          double area2;
          cout << "Enter the Base: ";
          cin >> base;
          cout << "Enter the Height: ";
          cin >> height;
          area = base * height;
          cout << "Calculating: " << area << endl;
case 15:
          double base2;
          double height2;
          double area3;
          cout << "Enter the Base: ";
          cin >> base2;
          cout << "Enter the Height: ";
          cin >> height2;
          area3 = (base2 * height2) / 2;
          cout << "Calculating: " << area3 << endl;
case 16:
          double side1;
          double side2;
          double side3;
          double side4;
          double perimeter;
          cout << "Enter the length of your first side: ";
          cin >> side1;
          cout << "Enter the length of your second side: ";
          cin >> side2;
          cout << "Enter the length of your third side: ";
          cin >> side3;
          cout << "Enter the length of your fourth side: ";
          cin >> side4;
          perimeter = side1 + side2 + side3 + side4;
          cout << "Calculating: " << perimeter << endl;
case 17:
          double a17;
          double b17;
          cout << "Enter Your Number: ";
          cin >> a17;
          b17 = fabs(a17);
          cout << "Calculating: " << b17 << endl;
case 18:
          double base3;
          double width;
          double height3;
          double volume;
          cout << "Enter Your Base: ";
          cin >> base3;
          cout << "Enter Your Width: ";
          cin >> width;
          cout << "Enter Your Height: ";
          cin >> height3;
          volume = base3 * width * height3;
          cout << "Calculating: " << volume << endl;
case 19:
          double radius2;
          double area4;
          double height4;
          double volume2;
          cout << "Enter Your Radius: ";
          cin >> radius2;
          area4 = pow(radius2,2);
          cout << "Enter your Height: ";
          cin >> height4;
          volume2 = area4 * height4;
          cout << "Calculating: " << volume2 << endl;
case 20:
          double base4;
          double height5;
          double height6;
          double area5;
          double volume3;
          cout << "Enter Your Base: ";
          cin >> base4;
          cout << "Enter Your Height: ";
          cin >> height5;
          area5 = base4 * height5;
          cout << "Enter Your Second Height: ";
          cin >> height6;
          volume3 = height6 * area5;
          cout << "Calculating: " << volume3 << endl;
case 21:
          double a21;
          double b21;
          cout << "Enter Your Number: ";
          cin >> a21;
          b21 = floor(a21);
          cout << "Calculating: " << b21 << endl;
case 22:
          double a22;
          double b22;
          cout << "Enter Your Number: ";
          cin >> a22;
          b22 = ceil(a22);
          cout << "Calculating: " << b22 << endl;
case 23:
          double val;
          cout << "Enter Your Number: ";
if (cin >> val){
          cout << "Cube Root of " << val << ": " << pow(abs(val), 1.0 / 3.0) << endl;        
case 24:
          double mass;
          double volume4;
          double density;
          cout << "Enter The Mass of Your Object: ";
          cin >> mass;
          cout << "Enter The Volume of Your Object: ";
          cin >> volume4;
          density = mass / volume4;
          cout << "Calculating: " << density << " g/cm3, g/ml " << endl;
case 25: 
          double width25;
          double height25;
          double height25b;
          double volume25;
          cout << "Enter The Width of the Base: ";
          cin >> width25;
          cout << "Enter The Height of the Base: ";
          cin >> height25;
          cout << "Enter The Height of The Pyramid: ";
          cin >> height25b;
          volume25 = ((width25 * height25) *height25b) / 2;
          cout << "Calculating: " << volume25 << endl;
case 26:
          double fahrenheit;
          double celsius;
          cout << "Enter the Temperature in celsius: ";
          cin >> celsius;
          fahrenheit = (9/5) * celsius + 32;
          cout << "The Temperature in fahrenheit is: " << fahrenheit << endl;
case 27:
          double mph;
          double mps;
          cout << "Enter The Speed in Miles Per Hour: ";
          cin >> mph;
          mps = mph * 0.44704;
          cout << "The Speed in Meters Per Second Is: " << mps << endl;
case 28:
          double mph2;
          double fps;
          cout << "Enter The Speed in Miles Per Hour: ";
          cin >> mph2;
          fps = mph2 * 1.46666666666667;
          cout << "The Speed in Feet Per Second Is: " << fps << endl;
case 29:
          double kph;
          double mph3;
          cout << "Enter The Speed in Kilometers Per Hour: ";
          cin >> kph;
          mph3 = kph * 1.60934400061;
          cout << "The Speed in Miles Per Hour Is: " << mph3 << endl;
case 30:
          double a30;
          double b30;
          b30 = log10(a30);
          cout << "Enter Your Number: ";
          cin >> a30;
          cout << b30 << endl;
case 31:
          double base31;
          double radius31;
          double height31;
          double volume31;
          cout << "Enter Your Radius: ";
          cin >> radius31;
          base31 = pow(radius31,2) * 3.14;
          cout << "Enter Your Height: ";
          cin >> height31;
          volume31 = (base31 * height31) / 3;
          cout << "Calculating: " << volume31 << endl;
case 99:
          user_quit = true;
          cout << "An Error Has Occured, Please try again. " << endl;
          while (!user_quit);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
and to the people who suggested functions, thanks.
Why would you expect notepad to pop up? All your code does is write your Function list to a file called functions.txt. You would need to add additional code to invoke notepad but I personally don't see any advantage to it. What you might do is make your function list multi-lined or even make sub menus with like functions grouped together.
I personally don't think it's a good idea but if you wanted to invoke notepad.exe from within your program you could try the system function: system

BTW, if you go that method, you would only need to write the Functions.txt file once, after that you would only need to display it.
I would strongly suggest not saving (or writing) anything to file.
1) Users will not expect a calculator application to write anything to their filesystem, this on it's own is a good reason not to do it
2) If the calculator is invoked in a different directory, it will write a new Functions.txt
3) If the calculator is invoked in a diectory where the user does not have write permissions (or is mounted read-only), it will crash

Invoking notepad from your calculator is an even worse idea.
ok, So I Downloaded something called MathGL to Help me with functions using graphs. However I'm not sure how to start using it. Can anyone direct me to any tutorials for using MathGl.
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