C++ Sockets Help

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I made this for a suite that I'm working on with a coder. It is my first socket program. I'm pretty sure that it is correct, but it crashes after I cin the admin password. Can someone help me out here?

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
int mirror(int s, char *input, int se)
	se = send(s, input, sizeof(input), 0);
	if(send != 0)
		return -1;
		return 0;
struct rcon_strings { //remote command strings (not mirrored)
	char *shutdown;  // /admin/<password>/shutdown (kills server)
	char *flush;     // /admin/<password>/flush    (flushes *buffer)
int main()
	int sstart; // WSAStartup
	WORD ver; // version
	ver = MAKEWORD (2,2); // version number
	WSADATA wsaData;
	sstart = WSAStartup(ver, &wsaData);
	if(sstart != 0)
		cout << "PANIC!: Could not run WSAStartup (00).\n";
		return 0;
	rcon_strings rcon;
	struct sockaddr_in serv;
	int s; // socket
	int bi, list; // bind and listen
	int se, re; // send/recv vars
	int acce; // accept
        int mir; // mirror
	int i; // iterations
	char *buffer, *admin; // input buffer and admin password plus comparison
	serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
	serv.sin_port = htons(8060); // The server runs on 8060
	serv.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
	cout << "Admin password: ";
	cin >> admin;
	rcon.shutdown = "/admin/";
	strcat(rcon.shutdown, admin);
	strcpy(rcon.shutdown, "/shutdown");
	rcon.flush = "/admin/";
	strcat(rcon.flush, admin);
	strcpy(rcon.flush, "/flush");
	s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	if(s != 0)
		cout << "PANIC!: Socket call failed (01).\n";
		return -1;
	bi = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&serv, sizeof(serv));
	if(bi != 0)
		cout << "PANIC!: Bind failed (02).\n";
		return -2;
	list = listen(s, 6);
	if(list != 0)
		cout << "PANIC!: Listen call failed (03).\n";
		return -3;
	acce = accept(s, NULL, NULL);
	if(acce != 0)
		cout << "PANIC!: Accept call failed (04).\n";
		return -4;
	while(i == 0)
		re = recv(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
		if(buffer == rcon.shutdown)
			cout << "rcon::shutdown has been used. Shutting down...\n";
			return 1;
		if(buffer == rcon.flush)
			cout << "rcon::flush has been used, buffer being flushed.\n";
			buffer = "";
			mirror(s, buffer, se);
	// this will probably never happen
	return 2;
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