Best software to use to make a website

Dreamweaver is super buggy. When they bought tons of stuff from Macromedia they tore down and recoded a lot of it, dreamweaver wasn't one... Also I find that dreamweaver adds a LOT of unnecessary code. My school's basic web design class uses dreamweaver to do the sites and most of the projects I looked at (I'm a tutor) there was css styling for absolutely everything. It doesn't have anyway of reusing code, rather it treats each piece of code as a unique object and creates the style for it, so in the end you have fairly large html and css files which will slow down the code. Also if you decide to learn more html and css on your own you'll end up basically blowing up the dreamweaver created content and starting from scratch.
There is no such thing as a best program to write code in programming. Every programmer try one try another and finds the best solution for him.
You couldn't tell to artist which pencil he should to use :)
There is no such thing as a best program to write code in programming. Every programmer try one try another and finds the best solution for him.

in my mind, it depends on the person and the project.

how comfortable is the person with using the software?

which features can the person leverage to complete the project?

----does the software save the files server side?

----can I edit css or javascript directly with the software?

----can i edit images and video directly?

----will the software render the same in preview and in the browser?

some features may not be appropiate for certain projects. in the same sense, certain languages may not be appropiate for certian coding projects.
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