Batch Scripting with Wildcards and full stops in the address path


In Runtime
I need to write a batch script which will copy a folder and all of its contents, Problem is, The address has variables and a full stop in the folder name:


I can CD to that dir, but it will not copy, it does not like the * or the . in the address... Any help?

Iv tried putting quotation marks in all the usual places, to no avail
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@echo off
set START="%appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles\"
set DEST="c:\myfolder
for /R %START% %%f in (.default) do (xcopy /e /y %%f %DEST%)
Thanks, I believe there should only be 1 profile on each users roaming profile, so I used

mkdir C:\ffprofile


for /D %j in (%APPDATA%\mozilla\firefox\profiles\*) do move %j C:\ffprofile\user.default

But if I find that some users (for whatever reason) have multiple profiles, I will try yours... Thanks again! +Rep
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