World records smashed.

Vince told me that the cores are already super hot before dumping super cold on them and that's why they don't have problems. There is more technical stuff to it, but the easiest way I can re-explain it.
IPA as in Isopropyl Alcohol aka rubbing alcohol or Isopropanol.
There may be a bit of truth to what Vince said.
For example, you can put your hand into liquid nitrogen without any harm whatsoever but only for a very short period of time (half a second or so). This is due to the Leidenfrost Effect. In relation to the liquid Nitrogen, the cores are extremely how (your hand would be too) especially if they are heated up before hand. When the liquid Nitrogen contacts the CPU heatsink there are many micro bubbles forming between the metal and the liquid Nitrogen. Essentially the liquid Nitrogen is not coming into direct contact with the CPU. However, the liquid Nitrogen is still cooling the heatsink for a few seconds before the heatsink is cool enough for the liquid Nitrogen to contact it directly, cooling it further.

You can see this effect for yourself at home by heating a pan on your stovetop on max temp settings until the pan is essentially the same temp as the flame, then dropping a little bit of water on the pan. Notice that the water moves around almost without friction, this is due to the water riding on air bubbles and not coming directly into contact with the pan.
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Well, since Vince is the one in this video, I believe what he said. And yea I've splashed LN2 on my hands before. I know all about it. I was trying to explain to him in the easiest way without posting a ton of crap lol.
I worked as a service tech for a propane business and as a heating and cooling tech too. I know about pressure/temperature relations with various liquids. I've burnt my fingers plenty of times with liquid LP and refrigerants, I highly do not recommend you play with that stuff. I was very surprised to see that fellow in the vid with no gloves on...but nobody said he was very smart either.

It is perfectly safe to have LN2 splashed on you for a split second long as you shake it off. He isn't touching any of the frozen metal with his bare hands so he's fine. The need to take off and put on gloves constantly is a real pain when you need to deal with a keyboard and tiny instruments like the EVBot. I've worked with LN2 and phase many times myself.
It still doesn't harm you if taken off quickly, and he has been doing it for quite a long time being one of the very top overclockers in the world. He has also used liquid helium for a cooling medium as well with no gloves. He is a pro and knows what he is doing, nuff said.
OMG...I looked at the video again and this guy is so stupid, not even wearing goggles. Do you realize how fast the stuff can freeze your eyeball?
you just don't splash nitro on yourself and "wipe it off" It would boil instantaneously the second you came within contact of it and that will leave a mark

Obviously this person should not be handling anything more than a glass of milk

I've splashed myself on my fingers with Liquid Propane and several types of refrigerants, most only boil around -40f and it can hurt, I was in the business for 20yrs and you do build up callouses so it's not too bad . I can't possibly imagine splashing something that boils at -320f on yourself or in your eye.

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I will say this, he is highly ignorant in how he is handling a dangerous substance. All it would take is dropping the container to the ground and spilling on his shoe for him to loose his foot. Regardless of it "being on for only a split second", the shoe will become frozen solid, and he would loose his foot due to the extreme cold.
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