Is there such thing as safe overclocking?

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Solid State Member
Hi, everyone..

I have an AMD Athlon XP 2200+ on an Abit NF7 board. Do you have any advice on a safe overclocking?
thats a good question,..but generally in OC...there is always a risk of junking your system. however, one can tune his system safely by turning up the clock frequencies and vcore settings a notch at a don't want to tune it to high settings immediately. see also if you're ram can take the beating.
have sufficient cooling and a good thermal compound(arctic silver 3) between your cpu and fan/heatsink.

plus,..may i suggest to google search some sites about overclocking, they have in-depth description and steps that you can follow or not follow.

One thing to be wary of ,, on the NF7 boards when OC'ing it is important to hold down the "insert" key at post,,

this disables something or other, not 100% sure exactly what ,, MB,, Maybe you have some insight on that??

I have the NF7-S board, and one of the things the vendor stressed to me was to hold down the insert key during post,,,

check it out!

Thanks MB!!!

As Always a Wealth of Info!!

That explanation makes a lot more sense than the explanation that I received, plus, I have read further at some of the other links you posted for the Abits,,,

cheers, MB :)
Thank you all for the good advice.
This w-end I'll see how much my processor/memory can take :)
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