Retarded I/O Question...

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I always thought it was 1/0 for a binary, not I/O. If that were true, 1 is obviously true (for on) and 0 is false (for off). I must be out of my mind.
Calzinger said:
I always thought it was 1/0 for a binary, not I/O. If that were true, 1 is obviously true (for on) and 0 is false (for off). I must be out of my mind.

Wow, I've never thought of it like that. Thats a damn good assumption.
o represents a closed circuit not allowing electricity to pass through the psu
I represents an open circuit allowing electricity to pass on through the psu
lololol when i first built my system and hit the power switch, it didnt start, my heart sank, but i flipped the switch and all systems go :D lol i dont understand that stuff either :(
aspire.comptech said:
o represents a closed circuit not allowing electricity to pass through the psu
I represents an open circuit allowing electricity to pass on through the psu

It's the other way round. Open means there is no flow, but a closed circuit allows the flow.
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