RAM to Video Memory??

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Benevolent Cake Despot
Montreal, CANADA
I really ask pardon if this question is a newbish one that asks for the impossible, but it'd be interesting to get this cleared...

Is there any kind of program out there than can re-allocate RAM towards usage as video memory? The reason I ask is because my TNT2 only has 32 MB of video memory but can still render decent lighting/shading effects and handles a lot of modern-graphic-ish features. For example, my card on RTCW can actually output decent visual graphics but the performance is somewhat questionable. Here's a screen:

You can see that the card can actually output smooth and decent looking visual quality. I don't really get any chopiness at all, but somtimes I get this weird lag effect as if my mouse was over-smoothed and delayed, this is mainly for RTCW and HL2 (which I can play surprsingly well on the 32 mb TNT2). I'd guess that increasing the video memory would help wonders. The reason I actually think this is possible is because most intergrated cards always have "shared video memory". Does anyone know anything about such a program that will do the same with an independant graphics card?
Go into your BIOS and find your AGP aperture size and set it to whatever you want...it's suggested you set it to the equal amount of VRAM you have or in this case 32MB but if you want more all the power to you
hmm thanks for the help, but it seems like my BIOS doesn't even give me the option to modify that. Then again, I haven't updated my BIOS since 2001, I'll do so now, but are you sure I can't do it by other means? Like RivaTuner?
edit: shit sorry for double posting...

Well, I'm thinking of then getting a BIOS configuration utility but preferably one that runs through Windows rather than DOS. I might then be able to modify my AGP aperature size. Anybody know of any user-friendly BIOS configuration utility? I might also need it to have an auto-detecting feature to detect my motherboard because I have no idea what the thing is.
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