need rendering power

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New York
I'm in need of some rendering power. I'd basically like to render scenes (in 3dsm7) as quick as possible. I am currently rendering timelines rather than single frames so rendering a 600 frame sequences takes some time.

I have heard that the best way to do this is to increase your bandwith. Everest reports that my memory bus bandwith is ~ 4.0gb/s. Someone was rendered a typical 4-hour render (for 3.3gb/s) in 9 minutes with 7.0gb/s.

I've tried tighter timings but can only manage 2.5-4-4-7 2T. My main concern was running 1T, but could not post whatsoever.

I realize that I have an AMD, but I honestly don't think that an Intel would make the difference of days in a timeline render.
I guess I wasn't 100% clear in my initial post.

I'm looking for system tweaks to improve rendering times. I said that I have heard that increasing bandwith reduces rendering times and tighter timings could help such things. I don't plan to buy any rendering-dedicated hardware.
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