Digital Video

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Since my father used his old Super 8 video recorder thirty years ago technology has shifted several times. Now I am making use of modern DV technology to make movies of my son. I really do not want to fall into the same trap my father did with his old Super 8 videos. No doubt in the next thrity years video technology will shift again, perhaps several times. Unlike my pop I intend to stay tuned to the shifts in technology and keep converting as the technology becomes affordable. So that when my son goes to look at his babby pictures twenty-thirty years from now he will be able to access the movies and pictures.

Right now DV is state of the art and Highdef DV is the upcoming thing. Here is the question - What web site will keep me apriased of the new digital movie technology?

I have thousands of my son's babby still pictures in JPG, which wil hopefully be around a while. When JPG is replaced with something better I would like to be on top of the technology.

What web site(s) will keep me on top of the shifts in technology?
What do you think is the next stage in digital video technology? I am thinking MPEG.
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