printable discs

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I can not seem to find what I am looking for, so can someone please help me, this is important.

I am looking for DVD-DL white ink jet printable DVDs for my business, however I need it so that the white ink jet part covers the whole disc and only the little circle where your finger can go through is uncovered, while everything else is covered. This may be confusing sorry, I really don't know how to say it, but if you look at any purchased DVD that you actually buy, look at the disc and look how the label covers to whole disc except where you put your finger through the hole. All the discs I find are just ones that cover the disc except the whole inner circle isn't labeled. I f you know what I mean, please help me, if not just try.

look like what you're after?


i use these, they're called Bulk Pak. they're really cheap and reasonable quality in my experience but i don't know if they make dual layer spindles.
oh, sorry didn't see the rest of your post there, thanks now that I know what they are called I can look for them better, i hope they do make DL though. Thanks for the help.
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