Some questions for you to answer please

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Daemon Poster
Ok, I have a .exe installer and some .cab, .msi and a few other kinds on files inside an image file.

I would like to know how to change the .exe so it only installs certain programs out of them all then I can delete some of the excess files then merge all of the remaining files into one .exe file which will just be a silent install.

If anyone could tell me how or show me a guide of how to do it I would be happy. I am nearly 100% sure it is possible.

No, but I can't really give anymore specific details incase anyone thinks it is illegal, which it isn't really but could easily be mistaken for some bad.

If anyone can help, please either post or send me a PM.
If anyone can help me, I try tell them the full story so they know it is not bad. :D Even if someone know a program that could help it would be great.
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