Cleaning Thermal Paste

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Daemon Poster
is it ok to use 70% isopropyl alcohol instead of high purity isopropyl alcohol, which is 90% and up, to clean the thermal paste off my CPU and GPU?
70% just means thats it's intesity is lower than something like 98% (which i use). I imagine that if it does anything, it will just be harder to clean with. I doubt it will screw up your cpu if you know what you're doing.
it does matter. and 70% doesnt mean its intensity. it means wat percentage of solvent is 70% isopropyl
so wait.. when you wanna take off liek a chipset cooler .. how do you go about that? liek on an old rig today ijsut twisted it off bc its getting junked .... im taking it to class so the teacher can sho the class slot mobos and slot cpus...
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