How Do I Add A Screenshot To A Forum Post

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Baseband Member
I would like to submit a post with a screenshot of my pc...however, I can only save the screenshot as a word doc. If I change it to anything else jpeg etc. it becomes useless. ...anyaway I need some mucho helpo--Thanks!
I cannot change the format but after digging around in the tech forums I did find out the procedure to post a screenshot:
alt+print screen key
open paint shop
save as jpeg
open a personal web page and upload image
from here it is pretty straight forward...but thanks for your concern!!!!!!!
You can use a freeware to grab screenshots. Screenhunter is the one I use, you can get it here.

It let's you save the image in various formats, like .bmp & .jpg.
How to capture a screen shot and save it as an image:

Why use freeware and risk spyware bundled with it. Or compy space. Just Alt+Print Screen, then open Paint.

Then Ctrl + V, click yes. Then, you can save your image as a JPEG. If you want only a part of it, crop it using the "Select" option, aka the dashed-square, one of the left buttons. Then copy, open a new paint pad, paste in the cropped portion of the image, Save As, and you're set!

Demented, in all the years that I have been using the screen capture utility, I have yet to notice any spyware bundled with it. Although there are some spyware attached to free downloads, I've noticed it's mostly with games and frivolous stuff - I have yet to see one attached to a screen capture utility.
I do not have a personal web page to store any images. Is there a site that i can do this for free??
"Use the Matrix as a P.O BOX..."

Get your personal web page here at you dont even need to put up a web site if you dont want to. you can just use the free space to add pictures. then all you have to do is put the URL to the image in between: "

like i did:

Also you can get your images hosted on image hosting sites for free, (Just make sure you dont go over the bandwidth.)

A few ok ones are.

Just sign up an account and upload your images from the file on your pc.
..>Lost<.. its probs better to use these that websites.

O and also never host images hosted on AngelFire or they turn out as "Image hosted by AngelFire!" Images.
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