Need Low Budget 19in LCD

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Solid State Member
Hellow all and a good day to you.

This is my first post in your forum, my friend recammended me to come here.

Anywayz, I have a simple question.

I am buying from Calgary, CA from
i do not want to wait from

So if you guys can find me a 19in LCD monitor in thats i lower than $260 w/o tax.

That would be fantastic.

Thank yoiu for your replies. I know they are nice monitors, however, i am not sure about wide screen. I was wandering if the pictures and games are going to be squished (or so called fat) if it is in widescreen.

Yes, but theres an option in your vid card settings that allows you to play games like if the monitor were non-widescreen, but there will be a black border around it, but my friend says he never even notices it when playing games. I play counter-strike in widescreen, no different, actually like it better.
Games are not gonna b squished, lol
Almost all games support widescreen now, and it looks a lot better in widescreen. I even play old CS 1.6 and it looks great.

Check out and go to the top and press on Screenshots and u'll see the difference in games how they look in widescreen and how in normal.

Trust me once u get Widescreen u'll never buy a normal monitor again.
I would imagine that your x800xl would support 1440x900 resolution...

I have a Radeon 9600 and that supports 1440x900... but it didn't show that option until I had the monitor hooked up. Also, I would suggest buying a monitor from a local retailer if you can.... they generally have better dead pixel/return policies.
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