Research Topics

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Baseband Member
Hey all I'm looking for some feedback. I am trying to find a good topic for a research project. I'm really into operating systems (specifically design) and networking. I have seen alot of the topics done by grad students at my school and most of them are about alogrithmic design, linear computation, and other various topics that complete blow my mind. I was wondering if anyone had some good ideas for research topics. Programming is another area I like although I don't think that there is much you can research about it other then its history.
For my Main university project i focused on GUI (Graphical user interfaces) such as disabled use, innovative ways of interaction and colour schemes, etc......Got me a first so at least it wasnt dismissed...
what types of research...processes like theory or things like fabrication tech...I'm more inclined toward the latter. Organics!

organic tech...choose your pick. Displays, circuitry for machine foundation, even usage as the new "living" power sources...

it all sounds like theory though...hypothetical possibilities vs practical application :D
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