Is the weight of Zalman CNPS9500 LED really an issue?

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Baseband Member
I've read that the weight of the Zalman CNPS9500 LED is over the "safe" weight specification for heatsinks and thus can easily bust your hardware if you move your computer.

Is this the truth or are the people who said that worrying too much?

I'd prefer to err on the side of caution, unless those people who say to stick to the stock weight are just being totally paranoid.

Please advise.
It is pretty heavy ... But not that heavy. I have that heatsink, without the pointless LED, and I move my computer around all the time and it hasn't cause any damage.
Ive been using it for a few months now often moving my rig around and it is perfectly fine. Its not even that heavy (Well it is but you know..:p)
Definitely nothing to worry about. It's not that heavy at all.

The tuniq tower on the other hand...weighs nearly a kilo.....that's WITHOUT a fan.
The General said:
It is pretty heavy ... But not that heavy. I have that heatsink, without the pointless LED, and I move my computer around all the time and it hasn't cause any damage.

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