The best cooling a man can think of.

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at cold temperatures, metals become a lot better at conducting electricity.
some metals can become a superconductor if they get cold enough (superconductor = 100% efficient, or really close)
How come in the OC video they had to keep pouring the LN....dries up fast or something?
Preacher said:
Ok guys for all you moders out there you know the usual fan cooling and water cooling. I want you (for the fun of it) to think of the most creative cooling (doesn't have to be realistic). Well see how this goes...
Ill start off.. In my opinion Little Leprekons inside my PC blowing air on my main parts is the best cooling which i can think of

Thats aewsome!!!:laughing:

How about an integral air conditioning unit, with compressor, condensor, evaporator..the works...
apokalipse said:
at cold temperatures, metals become a lot better at conducting electricity.
some metals can become a superconductor if they get cold enough (superconductor = 100% efficient, or really close)

Didnt know that thanks for the info
Most of those OCs are just plain retarded, there's no way the system is going to last long with those massive OCs on them. You might as well just light your money on fire.
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