Computer refrigeration

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I believe, once you reach absolute zero.... anyone else have any idea, dont have a ton of knowloedge about the the theory of absolute zero, as of now, its only a theory too i think.
Actualy Abosolute tempartures have been reached, and they were able to slow the speed of light to only 38MPH by sending a beam of light through a container at absolute Zero Temps, It also had something to do with lasers: I don't remember Exactly. Ill try to find the Articles on Digg so give me a few minutes to look.

Light Slowed to 38MPH

Other Articles That concern Light.
Reversing and Accelerating Light
Light Goes Faster In reverse

Other Articles that Involve Absolute Zero
New Phase Of Ice
Absolute Zero (Wiki)
Negative tempature

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Nope, and i dont think theyve ever been able to reach absolute 0, very near it but not all the way. At that point light would not move, period.

Also you could get it to work in a refrigeration unit. Just cover everything with copius amounts of dielectric gell and voila instant condensation insulation.
is it impossible to reach if they have come so close yet havnt reached it?

oh and by the way stylingolfshoes...just wondering, do you really own those trendy golf shoes?:p
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