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My interpretation of ghosting is when the image moves around the screen it is kinda like the image has "tails" for a quick instant before the screen refreshes itself and recreates the image somehwere else. Where when you move something it kinda fades the the new position.
Exactly, it is the fact that the crystals do not refresh fast enough and there is a slight tailing image behind it.
ok that makes sense.

So i should put the computer together in like a kitchen where theres tiled floor and touch something metal every now and then?
No your ok. Just keep touching the case every few minutes. Don't wear a big wool sweater with socks on a carpeted floor:eek:. Infact don't wear socks, shoes are really good because of the rubber but bare feet are ok too.
Depends on the type of rubber shoes, there was this one kid in my teachers class in networking with rubber shoes and I swear on carpet the guy practically vibrated, he would walk over and shock you after walking 2 feet.
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