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Hmmm theres kind of a mixed arguement... i want to beleive the people who said its harmless, but then again, shdwsclan gave us some interesting information about it all that makes me change my mind abit...

I will try and look into it abit more
shdwsclan does make a compelling argument and seems to me to know more about the topic than i do. i will give him the benefit of the doubt on his knowledge but i still don't believe that it is entirely harmful.

If you think i am crazy, then you are basically brainwashed by the FCC and FDA which are poor excuses for federal organizations.
An example how poor the FDA is that the EU has outlawed many of the chemo drugs that the US still uses.
Another example is that japan discovered recently that asbestos causes mesothelioma....
asbestos also causes.........asbestosis now there is a surprise. are you saying the US still uses asbestos on a wide scale :amazed:. my uncle died of asbestosis
The government was trying to get rid of it in so many buildings for a while(a couple schools in my town have had work done for it)
No it is not THAT harmful, especially through a wall!! Your dad is wrong on this account, sorry to say. As far as rats in server rooms? Well, I'm sitting in a server room right now at work, and we have a small mouse that we call Nathan Scott Phillips, has been here for a few months now (not sure if its the same mouse or not). As far as your research on cell phones, the rads emited by them is miniscule and most claims that cell phones are harmful are generally declared by environmentaly extreme people. The majority of research, in fact, shows there is little evidence to say cell phones are harmful. The select few who have gotten cancer from cell use? Well, gee... what are the odds that they had some malignancy to begin with and a good scape goat would be... voila, the controversial cell phone and of course environmental xtremists will latch on to this and yell to media massess "See!! We were right!!" Also, experiments with lab animals (IE mice exposed to microwaves) is a sham. These rodents were exposed to greater rates and in different than those of cell phone users. Just remember kids, any research can be slanted if you wish it to be, especially when there is another motive/agenda behind it. Be it not completely recreating realistic conditions, or increasing rates of exposure both of which doom sayers have been often found guilty of. That is why you constantly hear of mobile phones being bad. Because of research showing it so, only then to be found out that the experiment was not in conditions similar to the average cell user.
The laws of physics tell us that sending a small spaceship at only one tenth the speed of light requires the equivalent energy produced in the U.S. for a 200 year period of time. This fact makes even nuclear power unrealistic for powering missions to find advanced extraterrestrial life. In fact, this amount of energy is equivalent to 1.6 x 1022 joules. 1 kg mass produces 9 x 1016 joules if all the mass is converted to energy (E=mc2), assuming nuclear fusion could be controlled. This means that the minimum amount of fuel required for such a trip is 180,000 kg (200 tons), which would be more than the weight of the spacecraft itself. This assumes 100% efficiency in converting mass to energy (which, of course is impossible). The amount of energy required to go even faster than 1/10 the speed of light goes up so that infinite energy would be required to travel at the speed of light. Obviously, infinite energy would require infinite mass to produce.

The other major problem from what we know is that all electromagnetic radiation turns into high energy waves, the faster we go. As we approach the speed of light, all the light waves that hit us become compressed (i.e., shorter wavelength), which "turns" them into gamma rays. Such rays disrupt virtually all organic matter, which would kill all life. Therefore, traveling faster than 1/10 the speed of light would be extremely optimistic for even the most advanced life, simply because of the laws of the universe. No being (other than God) can violate the laws of the universe. Traveling at this most optimistic speed would require 20 million years to reach our nearest galaxy neighbor, which makes intergalactic space travel impossible. Even interstellar travel would require 40 years to go to our closest neighbor. However, going to our closest possibly inhabited neighbor might take 1,000 years. I can't think of many people who would volunteer for such a mission - being willing to give up generations of lives aboard a spacecraft for the possibility of finding life, especially when the probability of that life being advanced would be even less likely.

Now what does this have to do with the possible ill effects on humans regarding computer and electronic device emissions you ask? Well... not a whole lot. But it was both informative and interesting to read I hope.

No go immediately to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mork_and_Mindy and read if you are younger than 30 years of age.

"Na-Nu Na-Nu"
wow that was hard. but yea im with ya all here. and dude, i think ur dad is crazy, unless you have a oldschool monitor that does emit radiation(we got one) even still its not enough to harm ya. so he his completely wrong, and if he thnks so, when he goes to bet trun ur pc back on and see what ur sister says. as for migranes. that could be sound related cause theyre both pretty loud, or she talks on the cellphone WAY too much, or listens to excessively loud music, those could give a migrane
the thing that tv's microwaves' computers.etc do radiate is heat... and that cant do $#!t unless heat exaution, or dehydraton, but even thats pushin it to the edge
I am sorry but your father is very uneducated...

That is a complete myth. You can safely leave your computer open day and nights and live in the same room with the computer your whole life, and nothing will happen to you.

The only thing that can hurt you by using a computer, is listening loud music with the headphones for long times and regularly, which can hurt your ears. Your eyes also may be irritated if you look at the monitor daily and regularly and feel itchy, but it will never affect your eyesight, that is a complete myth as well.

( I am not a physicist or a doctor, but even the youngest children can know that parents create things like this to get them away from computers and televisions, so they can read a book and study for their schools.)
Cancer, radiation, and global warming is all a myth.

Without all those factories causing global warming, we wouldn't have computer, electronics, furniture, etc.

Radiation is all around us, we just don't care about it, it doesnt matter if it hits us.
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