Deleting i386 Folder

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Baseband Member
I'm not quite sure how I managed to get this folder placed on one of my storage hard drives but I cannot get it off. I have formatted my system hard drive and reinstalled the OS many times since this folder appeared so I'm quite confident that it's not necesarry to run Windows. My question is how do I delete it? Windows tells me access is denied. I tried using cmd.exe without success and tried to make an MSDOS boot disk to delete it there but the floppy I used was shot so that didn't work (it's still a possibility though). I think once I'm out of Windows it shouldn't be an issue. I would reformat the drive but I don't have enough space on my other 2 drives to take off all of my data. I have a knoppix disk floating around, I could try that too (even though I'm linux-retarded). Any help would be great.
The folder must die! I'm willing to face the consequences. From what I've gathered i386 (aka IA-32) is the ISA for 32 bit Intel processors. I've got a 64 bit AMD. My system runs fine without this folder; I had switched my data hard drive out into another computer for a decent amount of time with no ill effects. I appreciate the reply though. However, this has become personal and after months of looking at this defiant little folder on my otherwise perfectly organized data disk I've decided it's time to kill this sucker.
Are you sure that is what this folder is for? I knoe for a fact that Windows has a i386 folder on their setup disc and that it does in fact install it.

So i would watch out as you might fully corrupt your system and end up having to format and lose all your info.
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