Password Protected Laptop

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Solid State Member
I was wondering if there was a way to get past the password protection at the beggining of the windows load. Basically I bought a Laptop from Unclaimed Freight and it has a password screen that loads with the company logo. How do I get past this to remove it?
When you first load the computer a screen pops up with the company logo that originally owned the computer and it asks for a username and password. When you click cancel or OK a box pops up that says a username and password is required to load windows.
you are going to have to take it (laptop) apart, disconnect the cmos, short the cmos terminals(if the capacitor is wire in parellel and not series, almost everyl aptop is parellel thoughj), then you will either have to put the hdd and a usb external case and wipe it clean or you will have to get another hdd, because as soon as you will power it up, the hdd will reset the password.


You can reset the password in Windows XP outside of windows using a range of tools out on the web.

I find the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor the easiest. I've used it several times ( genuinely legal purposes that is :p ).

It's posted in the thread ECTech has already provided...

...but an image file for a floppy disk or CD, plus detailed step by step instructions for this specific tool can be found here:

...Download is available at the bottom of that page.
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