AMD Opteron SSE2 compatible?

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Baseband Member
Hi all,

I was looking at the software I'll be using for video editing and Adobe Premier Pro states that a processor with SSE2 is necessary. They note that not all AMDs are compatible.

Is the Opteron in all its "flavors" SSE2 compatible?

The Athlon processors have been around for a while, i know for a fact that the Athlon XP processors came SSE 2 (that coding has been around for a while now. SSE came with the creation of the Pentium 2 cores way back.)

Pentium 3 has SSE 3, which makes them better at handling multimedia components. But the Opterons have SSE 3 as well as the Athlon 64's. They have had the coding in them for at least since early last year so...

Pretty much whatever processor you buy now is going to have your stuff.... :) So hope this helps, if you need assurance just google the processor or even check the AMD site...
Oh yeah, sorry about that. It was a typo i mean't P4 sorry about that one. Didn't realise til i saw that, thanks for the heads up Macdude.:) (CHill out abit, no harm done.)
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