Windows server 2003 question

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no biggie. I'm experimenting with the hosts changes on my machine to see if any other listings are needed.

I would guess using a proxy would be a way around these changes, correct? For the user I mean?
User a proxy server is a great way to centralize administrative work. You can deny access to ebay for all computer or block indiviual computer. It's less work then going around copying the HOST file to alot of machines.

It's also can be used as a firewall between your network and the internet. Safe guarding you from attack. Hardware proxy are expensive, software are cheaper but you'll need a machine to install it. There are free version, if you google you can find one that fit your need.
More specifically, can a proxy server be used by a local user to circumvent changes to the hosts file?
No, the proxy server doesn't do anything to the HOST file. They work differently, you don't even need to edit the HOST file if you have a proxy server setup. What it basicly is, is a firewall that sits between your network and the internet. All computer will have to go through this proxy server to access the internet. You can be on the proxy server and modify it to deny certain website.

The HOST file, was an old fashion way of communicating with computer in the network. You had to manually configure it like for example if Jane computer was at you would put Jane to associate the IP address with the computer name because it was easier to remember the name then the ip address. But this was to much work when the network starts to grow, so we needed other method like DNS,WINS,NetBIOS, and NetBEUI that does it all automaticly for us. The HOST file is still there in Windows, there's really no reason why it's still there, but for every Windows machine to be able to access the internet it will first try to find the IP and Name in the HOST file before it contact WINS or DNS. That is why the HOST file is dangerous also, spywares can redirect you to other site when you request a legit web page. Hacker also take advantages of this to redirect thier victim machine when ever they access the internet. Does this sound more clear or am I just being too technical?
No, not too technical. I understand what you're saying.

I just know this guy in question (according to people he works with) has bypassed security measures put in place before and they mentioned him using a proxy server. I've just never read up on proxy's and their uses (never had a need) and wanted know how or if blocking sites through the hosts file could be bypassed or circumvented.

Thanks for all the info. I've added as many ebay listings to the hosts files of the machines he has access to as I can think of and find and that's working. Hopefully it'll stem their problem a little bit.
It all depend where you put the proxy server. If it's between the internet and your network, there's no way he will by pass it, it's gonna have to go through anyways to get to the internet. If I was boss, I would tell him he better stop if he want to keep his job but that's just me.
OK, sounds good. I'm sure what he's done in the past is just specify a public proxy in the browser Internet Options settings.

And I completely agree about just telling the jerk to cut out the peronal surfing at work. That would be my first move....unfortunatly I don't work there...I just help them out with the occasional computer issue.
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