your start up times?

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i got 30sec for pc, i start up quiet a few programs, even tho i used only 10gigs so far, This mac takes 53sec, with putting password and loading profile, but hey its got 3 profiles and 70gigs of programs but i guess its ok results laptop pff over 1 minute
harry18 said:
go start>run>msconfig>services tab>

google eath of the services then keep it or remove depending if you want it or not. this helps

Google everyone? you must be kidding ive got over 40 things running on here!

How much has everyone else got on the services list and how many did you get it down to?
yea i had a load too, it dosnt take that long, and it did only remove a few, meh, its not like i have anything else to do
3xistenc3 said:
16 seconds. I also do not run anything at startup.

That's a typical start time for a freshly reformated HDD. Or a PC with absolutely nothing installed for start at Start up.

lol- that sounded retarded, but you know what I mean.
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