Trillian losing messages

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Daemon Poster
Does anyone here use Trillian? Maybe you've had the same problem as me. Very often I wont receive messages sent to me. They just simply don't arrive which is really annoying. Other times, I'll be taking to a contact and get no response for several minutes then all of a sudden, all of the messages sent to me during that time arrive all at once. I can only imagine that some of the messages that I type aren't being received by my friends. This only happens when I'm connect via my wireless router at home, everything works fine on the university network.

I posted on the Trillian communnity forum and notice that many other people are having the same problem. The people there don't seem to have a solution. I'm hoping, hoping that someone here has encountered the same problem and has somehow managed to fix it. For me it only happens when using AIM since I don't use the others very often, but based on what i've read on the Trillian forums, the problem plagues the other mediums also.
I use Trillian as well and haven't heard of the same problems...weird. Have you thought about forwarding port 5190 through your firewall?

I did went into router settings and forwarded all of the default ports that Trillian uses and it still happens. Are you behind a router also?
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