hyperterminal device

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What i am looking for is a some what cheap device that you can run hyperterminal on and also has a serial port. We are trying to find a cheaper alternative for communication from our current input device to a industrial printing device. The current one we have costs $5000. We were able to use a laptop using hyperterminal but now looking for something a little smaller such as a palm pilot.

Do palm pilots come with hyperterminal on them or is it possible to add the software?
There is something made by GE called a probridge, I'm not sure if it will help in your situation.It will capture data from a serial port and send it to a video camera and the info shows up on a monitor.We used a hypertermanal to test it out thats what made me think it may help in your situation.the input is serial, and the output is ethernet.Like I said not sure if it will suit your needs but it costs about 300 usd so it may be worth a look.
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