Add to Source Engine

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I think it looks incredibly gay with all that film noise and blur crap.

If I'm playing a game, I want it to look like I'm there, not like I'm watching an old movie. If you look at th elast frame, frame A, you'll notice that the blur all across that guy is actually a bullett hitting the ground in front of him, but in D it just looks like you're monitor is screwed up lol.

And they should spend their time and money working on other things, like getting the BRIGHT glow off of that pile of sandbags, like in the first couple of frames and frame 10.

My 2 cents...but if they leave it crisp and clear, it looks GREAT!
I second that Chevy, i think that grain stuff just looks like crap, i dont want to feel like im watching a movie, i wanna feel like im actually there.
Source is the best game engine. Very easy to mod, design new levels and beautiful graphix. The new HDR lighting makes me lag a bit but looks very real.

Yea I agree, these new effects are not going to have a bright future and if they do - all gamers are a bunch of wasters who spend their money on anything that is new. The effects make it look like an old movie, not like you are in there. And games aren't about sitting back and watching it. They are about getting into it and wasting your adrenaline.
I have never worked with it. Far Cry does look and play very good, but I think source has better texture reflections, nicer water, and lighting. FarCry allows u to make large levels of good quality whereas Source is good for smaller levels with astonishing quality.
blurring and color correction can be a good idea...more so the motion blurring. but the film grain is just retarded and looks like crap. why pay all this money for a graphics card that can do max aaf at max resolution with sharp textures if the game is going to look like crap?
I definitely agree with gaara. IMO the Source engine is the best looking engine out there, and it takes little to nothing to run it. I think they should use the Source engine for quite a while longer, instead of develop new techniques that can't even be utilized with the current video cards of today.
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