HTML Software?

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AceHTML is a good program so I have heard. Mind you I went out and bought dreamweaver, you cant get any better than that!
I used homesite for quite awhile. I have not used it for about a year because I lost the software. Dont' want to buy it again. It was a good HTML editor with some WYSIWYG funtionality.
Notepad :D

I think that writing HTML from scratch without any help is best. Once you get used to it, it's a lot easier than using an editor. And if you write your pages in Notepad, it'll be easier for you to edit them later (especially if you are using a different computer, without an editor, than the one you wrote it on).
Emily said:
Notepad :D

I think that writing HTML from scratch without any help is best. Once you get used to it, it's a lot easier than using an editor. And if you write your pages in Notepad, it'll be easier for you to edit them later (especially if you are using a different computer, without an editor, than the one you wrote it on).

that's exactly right. I prefer simple editors to them with robust functions, since they often make the code complex and illegible. but frontpage is my favorate, and frontpage IS pretty simple.
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