Opening C:/ in My Computer yields the "search" function. - XP Home.

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Fully Optimized
I had a demo download get messed up, and somehow whenever I opened up the hard drive in my computer it would try to install the demo (which I had also already deleted). I fixed that problem, but now search is the default dbl click operation. How can I set it back to open, so when I dbl click the C drive, it opens... vs opening the search function? Right now I have to right click and select open on my own. Sooo much work!! :mad:
I would check your mouse setting within control panel. There should be some kind of option selected for that use. It might even be that some kind of plugin was installed in there so that it will do that.
Just use the restore point in XP on the day or two just prior to the demo download. That will fix things for you. If you need help wiht resotre let me know.
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