Post Althon 64 3000+ OC's

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No, they aren't trying to make more money IMO, they're trying to save more money

What I'm saying is during the initial production of a 3000+, rather than trying to make a core run at exactly 1.8GHz at exactly such and such vcore and only have a say 1 in 10 chance of success, they try and make a core run at say 2.2GHz at such and such vcore and increase the chances of having it run at 1.8Ghz at sch and such vcore to 9 out of 10

This is all guesswork though
charles got it (you should know this by now gaara! BAKA!)

When theres a high demand for the lower chips, they simply take chips that would otherwise be a 3500+ or a 3800+ but label it a 3000+ or 3200+ to fill that time goes on the demand becomes less and then they start marking CPU's that barely qualify as a 3200+ or 3000+ and send them out...after all as long as it hits the spec'd 1.8GHz or 2GHz then it's good to ship
that's disappointing. Too bad they try to refine their techniques. They should keep shipping the quicker 3000+ and satisfy the geek factor of the market. Seems like most of the real geeks support AMD anyway.

maybe i shuold have waited until the 3200+ was out of stock then once it was in stock i should have bought it ....
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