How to make xp perform a task/script? at shutdown/startup?

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the gpedit.msc worked...

i always forgot what the extention on gpedit was so i forgot to check it.... but i got the task done as so....

created a batch file that first deletes the 'systemfile.bak' then renames the systemfile.exe inuse into systemfile.bak... then copys the systemfile.exe i have in a different location into the system folder... so when it restarts, my file will be inuse everytime even if its modified it will be automatically recopyed every shutdown.

worked likea charm.. thx for the help.
Wow, gpedit.msc is pretty cool. There is a lot of stuff in there.

Is there a thread that has an in-depth '.bat' file "how-to"?
some simple commands:
"del [driveletter]:\[path and name]" = delete file in this path
"md [driveletter]:\[path]" = make directory/directories in this path
"rd [driveletter]:\[path]" = remove this directory
"copy [driveletter]:\[source path and name] [driveletter]:\[destination path, and maybe name]" = copy a file from source to destination. if you specify a different name, that's what it will be called when you copy it
"move [driveletter]:\[source path and name] [driveletter]:\[destination path and name]" = move a file to somewhere else
"cd [driveletter]:\[path]" = change the focus to this directory

and there are a whole lot more, but these are the basic ones
Yep those are some good key concepts that will get you by in DOS. Run a google for the XCOPY command and all its switches, it is a beautiful thing. Glad to see the GPEDIT worked out for you..I love that console!! Its like having a windows 2003 server with group policy, but FREE!!!
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