Post your highest 3DMark03 and 05!

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I wanted to make it more specific, and prove why AMD is better. Because all those intel fans would go OMG AMD IS TEH SUX0RSZZ!!~~!`1121 INTEL PWNS J00R SOUL TEH 1337Z0R5!!! !!`1`2`12~! ElVENty-0NE!~! ~!2`1 ~!21`1
Athlon XP > Celeron
that's not a valid comparison...that's like a PIII vs a'd need to be

Athlon Duron > Celeron

either way they are both crappy processors

3dmark03, whoop di do, man if you want a real test go get BURNINTEST, that will show you all if your pc is as good as we all KNOW it is not!
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