Why do amds run at lower frequecy but are faster than intel?

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Baseband Member
I read this back a while ago , but can't seem to find it. Can someone explain thoroly how amds run faster than intels even though intels run at higher frequencies.
uzi9mm said:
Figures, an AMD fanboy wrote that article.

What the hell, that article is one of the BEST WRITTEN i have seen. I think I could learn something from it even.
yeah it was a very in depth article. But he had nothing but bad things to say against Intel, he bashed them at every oppurtunity he could. He makes AMD look like it the best CPU brand out there.

AMD is good but it is not the best in all fields of computers.
Its the best article on the 'net IMO ;). Thing is the guy that wrote it is still learning about this stuff, lol.
Intel VS AMD, a typical battle of which is better. Want the real answer? Buy the top AMD Processor (FX-55) and the Top Intel Processor. Build 2 seperate computers, Same video card, memory, hard drive, EVERYTHING EXACT. Then run the same program. Time them. Watch for stability and Useage. Then you will have your answer. I have done this myself. I now have 2 AMD systems. You do it for yourself.
well like i said, people make AMD look like it rules in every computer field. I have nothing against AMD, but I hate people who tell you all of the great things about it, and forget to point out that intel is better in certain areas of computing. They just close all of their posts with

tEh AmD rUlz suxxorz.......

We would be better off if those people did not exsist.
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