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Baseband Member
hi guys
i wanna know how to create bootable dvd's in nero. If anyone could help me with this it would be greatful.
follow the post link for download links


Yes, it's possible. But you'll need to create the disc yourself.
There's no option to add files to the bootable media that TrueImage
creates, plus it's for a bootable CD, rather than DVD.

1. Create a Bootable Rescue CD using the Acronis software.
2. Install and open WinISO
3. In WinISO, click Actions -> Make ISO from CDROM, and save that ISO somewhere.
4. Open that image file using WinISO
5. Save boot information to a file called "trueimg.wbt"
6. Get CD Shell and extract it to a directory somewhere
7. Get Bootable CD Wizard for CD Shell and extract those files to the
[cdshell]\boot subdirectory that you selected above. Overwrite the
cdshell.ini file if it prompts you

Now you're ready to create the bootable DVD.

8. Open Nero and create a new DVD-ROM (Boot) project.
9. On the Boot tab, select Image file, and select the file
10. Use the "No Emulation" setting, and the number of loaded sectors
should be 4. (Other values should be left at the default)
11. Create a DVD directory structure like this:

/ (root) (Put your system backup / image (TIB) files here)
| + BOOT (The CDShell / BCDW files reside here)
| + ACRONIS (put the trueimg.wbt file here)

That's it. Save your Nero project and that way the next time you want
to create a bootable rescue disc, all you will need to do is update your
TIB files. (Or if you overwrite the old TIB files, Nero will pick up
the changes and automatically include the latest version)

Once you're satisfied that it works, you can edit your
\boot\bcds\bcds.ini file to get rid of the extra junk. Mine looks like this:

bcdw \acronis\trueimg.wbt
goto quit

show console
cd /

Also, in your Acronis backup settings, you're going to want to have 2GB
as the max image size. Files larger than that won't fit on an ISO

There may be easier ways to do it, but this is how I did it on my system, and it works.
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