Saw BF2 Case Mod Yet??

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Saw it, but I personally like the Bf2 case mod most. I use to think the Doom 3 mod was my fav, but I'm a big Bf2 fan/player, so I like the bf2 mod better. D3 is second though :)
Dark_Sniper* said:
DAm that DOOM3 one is l33t alright, is he done yet with it or no?

No, I think he's about 80% complete. Paul Capello has more than 23 years of experience as master model builder, carpenter, and special effects artist in hollywood. The guy is second best to no one...
I saw this thread for the longest damn time but never bothered to click on it...I finally got tired of seeing it at the top of the thread so I finally god that BF2 case is insane lol
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