New SubForums

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That's why they are are the top of the page... so they are the first thing you see and hopefully use.

If people use the new subs in the Hardware forum it will be a whole lot easier to find what you need.
Yeah, adapting to change can be difficult expecially for those people who've been here for quite some time. I rather like the new layout.
I honestly have to hurts my head :p

I want to be able to view things in all areas, and have people view my posts as much as possible, alot of people (including myself), don't view sub-forums like we would view them if everything was in one place.
Not a fan of the sub-forums. I liked it before because nothing specific would just pique my interest and then I could learn about that but now its all divided and that stuff and I wont read as many things as I used too.
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