How does the inside of your PC look?

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Will there be powder coat between the parts? as I was under the impression the the whole case "bonds" together electrically to form a Faraday cage. This reduces interference and static. Mind you there are a lot of acrylic cases out there. Sorry for going all electrician on you, I just wondered.
It's cool. Like I said, I was really only going to do the outside panels, and maybe the inside. If I do end up doing the inside, I will inevitably have to sand of some of the powder coating here and there to get it to fit all back together again. Eventhough it is thousands of an inch, there is many a report of cases not going back together agter the powder coating process. So when I do the sanding, there will be direct metal on metal contact, thusly gounding all of the peices and reducing static.

What is the term FaradaY? I cant say I've heard that one before. I imagine it is a guys name, and maybe it has to do with something being significantly reduced of static and other unessecary power.

EDIT: I love Wikipedia, it knows everything:

In electromagnetism, the Faraday cage is an application of Gauss' law, one of Maxwell's equations. Gauss' law describes the distribution of electrical charge on a conducting form, such as a sphere, a plane, a torus, etc. Intuitively, since like charges repel each other, charge will "migrate" to the surface of the conducting form. The application is named for physicist Michael Faraday, who built the first Faraday cage in 1836, to demonstrate his finding
Wow. Nice quote.

Basically the faraday cage "absorbs", for want of a better word, any stray electromagnetic energy produced by electronic equipment and shunts it to earth. This is one of the methods used to comply with radio supression laws that all electrical equipment has to meet.
Joeisalsocool said:
Im surprised my rig pulled the thread this far... Im in shock :D

Lol, that case deserved all that. I'm still not sure where all your wires went, lol.

But guys, this is a thread about cleanliness of cases, not Faraday Cages. While I respect how threads can go off-topic, I'd like to get this one back on.
Yeah, I know it's not about Faraday's, bit it does have to do with cases and is completely reasonable in this topic, but we will bring it back to the topic at hand.

Joe: It's already got a window on one side, it is that generic big-ass steel case you can get that pretty much everyone has. It's got the door on the front, and a handle on the side that can lock to prevent access to the case. It may be the most common, basic case, but it is endlessly modifyable. Every tutorial on case modding I have ever read uses that case, there is just so much you can do to it.
DJ-CHRIS said:


Anyways, mine is messy, due to the large amount of hardware and fans.

Dell's aren't tidy, i'll tell you that. Their cases are super small and they wire them like crap. I always tidy up all the dells I work on.

I bet you Michael Dell doesn't even own a Dell computer. He probably had some uber noob build him a custom one.
LMAO the sad thing is that is probably true. I bet Bill Gates uses Linux or Mac instead of Windows XP. If I was him I would jump off of a bridge for making such a horrible OS :p
HAVOC2k5 said:
Dell's aren't tidy, i'll tell you that. Their cases are super small and they wire them like crap. I always tidy up all the dells I work on.

I bet you Michael Dell doesn't even own a Dell computer. He probably had some uber noob build him a custom one.

check your pM!
mines messy

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