secure wireless connection?

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Daemon Poster
I moved in with some friends today and instead of having wires running all through the house I set up a wireless internet connection.

Is their any way of blocking others from using our network? Or make sure its as secure and easy to use as possible?
Yes their are a few easy ways

WPA, this requires a LONG key to connect to the network, and is pretty secure (Hey, unless your being targeted nobody is getting in)

WEP, keeps out amatures. Use the highest bit rate you can.

MAC adress filtering (My favourite) Very good security if used with one of the above, really does keep out people.
If you have the option of WPA you should really use it

I use my Axe and Crowbar, since my crappy d-link won't reach off my property
yeap log into the ruter and do wpa or wep 128bit if u can and get the password and put it on all the computers
MAC Address Filters are very easy to use. There are some inherent problems when using WEP or WPA. Sometimes, the comptuer loses the key for unknown reasons and you have to put it in, or sometimes the key wont stay at all and you have to keep messing with it. WiFi is truly a black art. If you want ease of security, that will totally keep out amateurs, MAC Filtering is the way to go.

HOWEVER, when doing it, make sure to add your own MAC Address FIRST! First time I turned on MAC Filters, first last and only time I will make this mistake, I logged in my moms MAC address before the one of the wired computer (server) and when I clicked Save it logged me out of the router and the internet, and I had to finish configuring it on a wireless computer.
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