Desktop glitch when right clicking

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Baseband Member
Whenever I right click on my desktop 1.) it takes like 2 seconds to register and 2.) the whole monitor flickers like it was reset. I did overclock my video card but even when I tried turning the overclocks off it did the same thing. I'm running XP Pro SP 2 if that makes a difference.
Symptoms like this indicate a fragmented hard drive, or a lot of processes running at once.

Judging by the fact you can overclock, you probably already know how to defrag, and how to check how much of your system resources are being used up.

There is also a possibility that if you have a lot of things on your desktop, you will have slow response.
Yeah I'll try the defrag but I've only got a column and a half of icons and idle using about 0-2% of CPU and 1/4 of my ram so it's not either of those. Thanks for the help
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