How Do I Remove The 6800GT XFX Stock Heatsink

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My slightly oc'd xFx runs routinely at 55 to 65 degrees centigrade. Should I look into replacing the fan Chris?
That is a pretty good temperature, only reason I can see another heatsink and fan is if you want to overclock more

Heh, well, he diddn't have the best-sized object for that pic guys, as you could tell the camera was having a damn hard time to auto-focus onnit, you should've manually tuned that one chris, but oh well, I'm sure he knows now what they look like. ;)

Me I diddn't like those weird screw things, my vga silencer's cool cause it uses screws.
LOL - It's a good thing that DJ's aren't required to take pictures, cause he'd be out of a job. J/K CHRIS.

Handling Video Cards can be kind tricky. DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THE LEADS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE CARD THAT PLUG INTO THE AGP or PCIx SLOT. Oil from your fingers will seriously interupt some connections. Also, put a small amount of thermal paste on each of the 8 RAMS on the card before install the Slilencer HS&FAN. - Actually scratch that... It's looks like they started putting thermal pads in the HS. Mine didn't come with those. I wonder which is better?
HAVOC2k5 said:
Actually scratch that... It's looks like they started putting thermal pads in the HS. Mine didn't come with those. I wonder which is better?

Hmmm...mine didn't come like that either. I would have to guess that AS5 is better than the pads.
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