Modders Mesh...

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not all screens are the same...the only kind that tear are the barely metal, thin ass ones for screen doors....theres varying sizes like anything else in the world.

Of course you could always go uber ghetto and resort to chicken wire!
Check with a masonry supply distributer. They use a mesh similar to that (well, it's criss-crossed, not holes) in between layers of block to increase the strength of the wall.

As for size, I know that at work we have a roll of it, about 2.5'-3' wide, probably about 30'-40' long. I don't know why we have so much... the owner was only planning on having a 20' long wall built, but if he finds a bargain he buys it all.
Trotter said:
Check with a masonry supply distributer. They use a mesh similar to that (well, it's criss-crossed, not holes) in between layers of block to increase the strength of the wall.

As for size, I know that at work we have a roll of it, about 2.5'-3' wide, probably about 30'-40' long. I don't know why we have so much... the owner was only planning on having a 20' long wall built, but if he finds a bargain he buys it all.

Well, Mr. Trotter, perhaps you could work something out with the owner? I.E. selling me some of it for a good price?

LoL Nubs, chicken wire, thats an uber last resort! My case would resemble a japanese POW camp.

There is this stuff called Metal Lath, and it is used behind plaster when plastering walls.
Tell ya what... show up over at the warehouse, and I'll hack you off a few feet.
I'd love to, however, you can see that my location is Purgatorio, and that is quite far from TN. :p

Massachusetts, a few hundred miles at least. Otherwise, I would be all over that.
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