TF Advanced Section Suggestion

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No, just a place for people other than n00bs and pibblers.

Think of it as a collegiate level forum in the schools of computer forums...
There ya go, an AP class in high school.

It will be for people who actually have the desire and ambition to learn, and love to challenge their minds and learn things they do not know. I know of several people like that on here, me being one, so this would be perfect for sharing of things that some people have NO IDEA what it is and we will learn MASSIVE amounbts of information.
First of all, I think this "selective" read/write access thing is a TERRIBLE idea.. No one is gonna care enough about this site to stick around if they can't post in certain locations.. They'll just goto some other place.

Plus, who will decide the questions?.. What WILL be the questions?.. Computer assembly and overclocking is on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to complexity anyways.. Well maybe except for the techniques that are used by the OC world record breakers ;).. The real hardcore stuff is in computer design.

I think as we are discussing in the "how to divide the h/w sections" thread, it might be useful just to divide the sections properly and then a few of us start some cool threads..

It's important to have a good user base that have a lot of knowledge.. And I don't mean just building a couple of computers and overclocking stuff in their basement. But bringing in people that have industry experience and are involved in designing the leading technologies. When they see too many immature posts, these guys will just leave.. It should be a place where we can both learn and contribute useful information. Not just dwelling what graphics card is best at this point in time.
i will have to agree with Chankama, even though it may contradict one or more of my previous posts. Nobody is going to bother if they have to gain access to a part of the forum. They could just go over to XS or another site and have full access to all of the topics over there, but they are here at TF. We should build the advanced site, and see how it goes with n00bs, and just heavily moderate it.
Very big changes are soon to arrive, and the Advanced section has its place in it.
Hm. I suppose that makes sense, the whole people losing interest thing. Then yeah, it would just be another section within TF? I mean, sure, there may be n00bs and flamers and what not, but you can always filter the flamers out. And as for n00bs posting bulls**t, I suppose you can't stop that at anypoint. And I'm sure the advanced ones can tell bulls**t from truth anyway.
Explain the advanced section?

Do you need to get a certain score on the upcoming quiz to post there?
No, we were just discussing that. There should be no credentials to post in the advanced section, that is basically saying TF is better than everyone. It should just be heavily modderated, and the mods should be able to move the topics not needed in the advanced section over to their respective topic.
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