overclockin memory

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thanx.. my main quesiton would be: would a 3200 oc'd be as fast as a 3500 ocd or a 4000 oc'd.. cuz theoretically, arent they all the same chip?
stop and think about your question for a second dude and you'll pretty much answer it yourself.....assuming you had the same core (venice) which you wouldn't once you hit 4000+ because I believe at that point it's San Diego or nothin, I THINK the highest venice is a 3800+ so lets pretend you have all venices for the time being.......

The ONLY thing that'd seperate them is the OC....if your 3500+ caps out at 2.8GHz and your 3200+ caps out at 2.8GHz then what do you have? Two 2.8GHz Venice chips.......exactly the same
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