memtest 86+ results

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Baseband Member
hey guys,
i just ran memtest 86+ and it came up with a few errors (6 for the couple of hours it was running). the results were as follows:

test- 3
pass- 0
failing address- 0028d7b9fc - 653.6MB
good - 10101010
bad - 10103010
err bits - 00002000
count channel - 1

i had this 6 times, on each the number of MB (652/3MB) was approx. the same. i was just hoping that someone could elaborate on these results. and hopefully tell me how much of a bad state my RAM is in, of if this is acceptable for *reasonably* inexpensive RAM.

well IMO no errors is the only thing that's acceptible.... Whenever your RAM gets accessed it's going to 'collapse' pretty much, may cause system instabilities, programs and games crashing things like that
Yeah, my kingston RAM completely died on me when I BARELY even overclocked the thing lol. Did a memtest and it hit thousands of errors every second, climbed up to 120,000 before I rebooted lol
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