buying a gaming comp -- need help!

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i might go ahead and check it out..
have u ever been to the downtown tech festival? ive never been there, but i heard a lot of companies (some ive never heard of b4) bring their comp stuff and sell 'em.
DJ-CHRIS said:
Also, I will build a system tommorow because one of my favourite stores has it's sale tommorow :)

which store are u talking about? i live in Toronto, it shouldn't be too far from where i live, unless it's in London or the US.
If your in Toronto it's best to use a store called tigerdirect (website is or even better is ordering out of province over the internet from

You buy from and you legally save the 7% PST you pay up here :)
alienware's a good gaming (theee best) one i know, though the price is beyond i can reach =P
the gaming PCs they have on Tiger, can i still do work with Microsoft Office?
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