beginning programming

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Solid State Member
i just started my 2nd year of high school and 1 of my classes is computer programming anyways today was my first class and it just started to sound interesting im wondering what program should i use for a beginner
You mean what language you should start with? I say PHP. It's easy and you can do a lot with it.
programming basics vs. a particular language

Hi Airhead :)

I think you should concentrate on learning "concepts" of programming before selecting a single language.

All language will have very similar concepts, such as variable types, structures, arrays, statements, etc. etc.

Also be sure to learn SQL (database concepts).

Obviously you can practice and learn with a particular language, but I think it is most important to learn concepts first.

BTW.. PHP would be a good language to learn and practice with.

Good Luck

PS. If you know good programming concepts, you can program in any language (or at least the learning curve will be shorter)
If you want to learn C, it is better to start out in Java.
VB I dont consider a language, but it is a good start.
And yes, you might want to learn how it works and what it is before you start. Functions, arrays, char, int, loops.....
Its good to start out in console..Gotta crawl before you can walk.
Plus, you have to like it too..
if you wanna learn the concepts try basic because the concepts are as clear as anything. I learn programming with Pascal, wich was alright but if you are up for a challenge try learning Java or C++, they are going to be more usefull to you in the programming world
Well before you learn PHP I would suggest learning HTML. I know it's not really considered a real programming language but you'll need it in order to integrate PHP into a website.
Definitely learn ASP - I'm a sophomore in high school as well, and I caught on very easily to ASP. VBScript programming is incredibly easy, and the syntax is not strict at all so one can easily catch on (e.g., there is no requirement for capitalized or lowercased syntax). Pick up ASP for Dummies at your local bookstore, and you'll get the hang of it.

I've taken classes at college for ASP and PHP and I'd have to say PHP is the better language. There is more support on the web and it's open source. ;)
Another thing to consider - if you're running Linux or the likes, an Apache server supports PHP only. If you're going to be on a Microsoft Windows box, you're gonna need to use ASP.
All these language recommendations and just in the middle of HS! Everyone is pointing you in different directions! What to do, what to do?!?!? LOL....You got a lot of good ideas here!
My 2 cents.....
I would MOST CERTAINLY recommend learning basics, functionality and concepts 1st. Please don't jump into a'll only be asking yourself questions revolving around concepts later on and then slow yourself down.
And shi*, if you're a fast learner and can adapt to these concepts early on, than you'll be jumping around languages in no time.

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