Intel 64-bit

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Hey guys, just wondering how many of you have an Intel 64-bit processor that you personally own (besides servers).

Aren't they a bit picky at which software they runm like they will only run 64 bit software?
no actually i think they will accept 32 bit operating systems and 32 bit applications, but that won't take advantage of their architecture. i think the winxp 64bit version allows you to run 32 bit applications on it also.

those 32 bit apps will probably run a hell of a lot faster though. i'm taking guesses on some of this, we should wait for someone to confirm.
Isn't the Intel 64bit like 10 grand? Did they release they're client side 64bit processor yet? I thought AMD beat them to the punch.

But to answer your questoins, 64 bit cpu's are good ONLY if:

You have a 64bit OS (XP will have one beg of next year)
you have aps that support 64 bit. Photoshop is the only widly used one that I know of.
You need a butt-load of memory to really take advantage of it. You can have a 64bit cpu bit it goes to waste if you have 512 meg of memory bottlenecking your system.

I like the idea, but I'll wait till it's more widely accepted. Prices should fall then and more aps will use it.
Only Intel 64 bit is the ItaniumII, which is only sever based. The ItaniumII cant run 32 bit apps at full proc speed because it requires a 32 bit emulator to make the 32 bit code into 64 bit code for processing.

AMD did beat them to the punch with the Athlon 64, but Apple was first with its G5 PowerPC970 chip from IBM.
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