Who thinks that this will work...?

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New Brunswick, Canada only 1/3 FRENCH Canadian speaking which means he HAS to be able to speak and READ ENGLISH because the other 2/3 of his province reads and speaks ENGLISH so don't let him give you that line of hogwash...he's just being difficult. http://www.gnb.ca/cnb/nb/Pop-e.asp
New Brunswick is Canada's only official bilingual province. About 33 per cent of the population is French-speaking, based on 2001 census results

If he's technology challenged, that's different. Liz
I already have my own host...
heres the pics



New Brunswick is Canada's only official bilingual province. About 33 per cent of the population is French-speaking, based on 2001 census results

33% speak french? I don't think so,It only sound's like french cause they had about 12 beer or so:D,Lot's of my friend's and family are from down there,and they say maybe about 2% at the most speak french.
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